Tommy T
Tommy Tompkins' extreme measures
Thursday, August 5, 2004
Oakland Downtown YMCA: the 6 am Soundtrack
The place was full, the music was strong, we are in shape, sort of. 8 more classes before I move to Los Angeles and leave it all behind...
1. I Can Understand It, Bobby Womack
2. Rock Steady, Aretha Franklin
3. Le Freak, Chic
4. The Boogie That B, Black Eyed Peas
5. A Change Is Gonna Come, Aretha Franklin
6. Take Me To The River, Al Green
7. I Can`t Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch), The Four Tops
8, It's The Same Old Song, The Four Tops
9. Angel, Aretha Franklin
10. The Ghetto, Too $hort
11. Redemption Song (Live), Bob Marley
| Wednesday, August 4, 2004
The Man can't bust our music
Even when the music in question is Eminem's piss-wet, scraped-off-the-sidewalk joint "Stan," about the fan from hell who needed something special from Em and didn't get it. A "Stan" fan in England pumped up the volume and wouldn't turn it down; what happened next is under investigation, but someone dropped a few pence and called the gendarmes: Next thing you know, The Man arrived to bust our music.
You know what Joe Hill used to say: first "Stan," then Barry McGuire's "Eve Of Destruction." I found the lyrics: "Yeah, my blood's so mad, feels like coagulatin'/ I'm sittin' here, just contemplatin'...when human respect is disintegratin'/ this whole crazy world is just too frustratin'/ and you tell me over and over and over again my friend/ ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction." I dug out my copy of the song, listened, and then overdosed on chip butties, to show solidarity with the British sister.
Should anyone want to hear a cover of "Eve Of Destruction" so malignant that it will cause dawn to break, follow instructions, then slide under your desk, and wait for the rapture. Or the Screaming Lord Sutch reunion tour, whichever comes first.
Johnny Paycheck Could've Kicked Your Ass
The last time the late country singer Johnny Paycheck went to jail was for shooting a guy in a bar fight - and here I should mention that if he were still alive, I wouldn't be telling this story because he had a temper, and besides, I'm not sure if it's 100% true (although Kurt Wolf who is a former colleague who knows so much about country music that he wrote a book on it, not THE book, but still not bad; anyway he told the story to me and he believes it, so that's something.
So the story goes that some guy who was kind of a fan of Paycheck met him in an Ohio bar in 1985 and asked the singer if he wanted to go back to his place where there was going to be a barbecue. Paycheck asked what they were going to barbecue, and the guy told him they were going to cook up some turtle meat. That pissed Paycheck off, so he shot the guy. It's one of those stories that when you hear it you think that there's got to be more to it. Or else that there's something bad about turtle meat the news of which didn't make it out West where I live.
Anyway, Johnny Paycheck was a serious fuck-up who could sing his ass off and he cut a ton of great records, the best of which - if you ask me, and to paraphrase taxi driver #1 Travis Bickel, you gotta be asking me, because there ain't nobody else here to ask - is The Soul & the Edge: The Best of Johnny Paycheck. Get that, and then expand your horizons a bit by checking out what a great songwriter Paycheck was on Touch My Heart, a tribute to the guy who gave us the blue collar anthem, "Take This Job And Shove It," by a gang of artists including the very cool Neko Case, who can sing her ass off.
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TOMMYT archives
About Tommy
Tommy Tompkins has been on full alert for most of his adult life, looking for art endowed with sufficient power, wisdom, courage, and grace to save a struggling humanity from itself...
About Extreme Measures
Extreme Measures comes at you at a time when, as a society, we are experiencing a kind of aphasia; language has been so distorted by corruption of aging institutions and the commercial pressures of an all-consuming, popular culture that our range of motion -- our ability to feel, to dream, to rage beyond the toothless dictates of media and capital -- has been critically circumscribed.
Me: 2extremes@earthlink.net
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Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A:None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb; its conditions are improving every day. Any reports of its lack of incandescence are a delusional spin from the liberal media. That light bulb has served honorably, and anything you say undermines the lighting effect. Why do you hate freedom?
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Cheap shots, anyone? Hell yes, like shooting fish in a barrel - Crosby, Stills, & Nash, to be exact in "Second Time Around," my weekly reissue column in the San Francisco Bay Guardian.
The successful selling of Crosby, Stills, and Nash as one of rock's first "supergroups" was, above all else, a marketing triumph. The insipid folk trio with a penchant for predictable three-part harmonies were packaged as a brilliant, innovative rock band and sold, no questions asked, to a generation that would go on to make history for a consumerism as voracious as its perceptive powers were small...
Read on, please...

Crosby, Stills, and Nash
Greatest Hits (Remastered) (Rhino)
I would have rather been in California than anywhere during those days, and in fact I was in California. Nevertheless, though my ass moved, my ears were another story. Take the O'Jays, for instance, whose blue-collar soul music helped me forget about CS&N's lame folk music.
The core of the O'Jays – Eddie LeVert, Walter Williams, and William Powell – had been together for 14 years when they had their first big hit, "Back Stabbers," during the summer of 1972. Their career had gyrated everywhere except up when they joined forces – for a second time – with Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff shortly after the songwriting-production team formed their label Philadelphia International...

Essential O'Jays (Epic/Legacy)
The flurry of reissues may be proof the music industry is dying, but it's produced a few sublime moments, like the "Deluxe Editions" of the Wailers' Burnin' and Catch A Fire. This piece, titled "Wailin'," ran in the Bay Guardian with Jeff Chang's take on the new Trojan Records box, "This Is Pop.".
DURING SO MUCH rain, one – or, in this case, two – bright spots really stand out. Ever since the birth of Napster and the gloomy end of days for the music business, the reissue industry has been going full tilt. It makes sense on both sides of the commercial exchange. For the labels, there's very little overhead and practically no guesswork; deliver Al Green with a couple of mysterious "alternative takes," perhaps a previously unreleased cut, and remixing or remastering – another mystery...
San Francisco Bay Guardian Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Brian Jonestown Massacre: And This Is Our Music
Pitchfork Media, July 19, 2004
Sites I like...
L.A. Observed
Danyel Smith's Naked Cartwheels
Then It Must Be True
Davey D’s Hip-Hop Corner
Pagan Moss Sensual Liberation HQ
Different Kitchen
War in Context Cursor
Virtual Library For Theater and Drama Jeff Chang's Can’t Stop Won’t Stop
Usounds Internacionale Maud Newton
Paris's Guerrillafunk.com
Silliman's Home of the Hits
Negro Please
mp3s please
Oliver Wang's The Pop Life
American Samizdat
Sasha Frere-Jones's SF/J
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