Toronto’s Kelly Mark belongs to the generation that identifies itself with the word “slack.” In 2006 in front of the Henry Gallery (website currently down), she reprised her performance from Toronto’s The Power Plant. Carrying blank signs, her group presented an opening night audience with her idea of militancy, chanting:
What do we want?
When do we want it?
Her videos, drawings, wallpaper, sculptures and photographs strike a deadpan note, like Buster Keaton but minus his anxiety.
I Don’t Need A Therapist, 2008 Crosstitch on linen
24″ x 30 ” x 1/2″
EXIST 2009 Powder coated aluminum w/ LED lights (altered Exit sign)
7.5″ x 12″ x 2″
Master of the laid-back she may be, but work takes work. When she wants to relax from the heavy cogitation and technical issues of doing it, she fastens a magnifying lens to her eye and hunches over a table, making interior blizzards full of press type.
Twenty of these time-out, going-nowhere-fast drawings are at Platform Gallery through Saturday.
2010 Letraset on archival mat board; 19 x 24 inches(detail on the right)
The Henry site’s back up — if it was down, must have been in the wee hours. Here’s Kelly’s exhibition: