With the fall of Howard House and other spaces shaky on their pins, the appearance of two promising newcomers is heartening news. Norman Lundin and Robert Yoder will open their own galleries this fall, each devoted to other artists.
Lundin is represented in Seattle by Francine Seders Gallery, where his exhibition, Gray Light: Four Years of Painting, continues through Oct. 3. (My review here.)
Lundin, Arctic River at Night oil / canvas, 2010
24 x 36″
The title of Lundin’s new venture is Prographica: Fine Works On Paper.
I am developing it in association with Francine Seders. Also, the Koplin Del Rio Gallery in LA, which has represented my work for many years. Both galleries are helping me get up and running; they’ve given me practical advice, offered me their mailing lists as well as their considerable marketing savvy
The gallery will specialize in contemporary drawings, photography, and other fine works on paper.The art will range from straightforward traditional realism to work that is quite abstract. Of the artists represented some will have substantial professional achievement, there will be too, those artists whose reputations are emerging. I am aiming toward an opening in November; the first show will be a group one. This show will be important, as it will be the exhibition that gives the gallery its character.
Launching a gallery in the current economy is a chancy undertaking to be sure.I have, though, sufficient funding to get the gallery off the ground and through the first couple of years, which may indeed be lean. The address is:
3419 East Denny Way, Seattle 98122.
I should add that my own work will not be represented by the gallery.
Yoder was represented in Seattle by Howard House.He opens at Frosh&Portmann in New York Oct. 7.
Yoder Front Loading collage, 2010, 11 x 8.5 inchesYoder’s motivation for opening his space is to offer more of the work he’d like to see in Seattle but doesn’t, save for shows at Ambach & Rice and a few others, art that he thinks isn’t quite as safe as what’s usually on offer. Like Lundin, Yoder will not show his own work.
It is with great pleasure that I announce the opening of SEASON on Sunday Oct 17 from 2-5 pm.
Season will host two solo shows four times a year at 1222 NE Ravenna Blvd, Seattle Washington.The inaugural show
will feature watercolors by Natalie Häusler
and sculpture by Jesse Sugarmann. Häusler, born in Munich, Germany, resides in New York, New York. Sugarmann, born in Danbury Connecticut, resides in Eugene, Oregon.
Robert’s new project has a website… also a name: SEASON.
also i’m fairly sure Howard is still representing works by many in his roster, sans-physical space.
Hi Shaun. I gave the title. It’s in highlights, as part of Robert’s quote. Thanks for the website address.
Hasn’t Lundin polluted the art scene enough around here. He really ought to know when to leave the stage for crying out loud.
Hey aggint99, How about skipping the anonymity when voicing your opinion so that the readers of this blog may better understand your motivations.
This forum was structured by its author and moderator to be an arena for ideas. Turning it into a lurid soap opera drama of personalities or “motivation” does not serve that end.
One would hope that comments posted here might encourage readers to consider this artist’s use or misuse of power in the community over an extraordinarily long period and the range of impacts that has had on that community. How much should one credo and output have on so small a stage for so long??
Dear Mr.aggint99, Its not my purpose here to attack you for voicing an opinion that you’re entitled to. It is however, a curiosity for me as to why you would use such a strongly worded descriptive of an artist who appears to be simply plying his craft.
“Polluted”? Really? Have Mr. Lundin’s sins been so far-reaching as to warrant his bannishment from our local culture? Have I missed something? Pray tell, what has he done to offend you so deeply?
By asking you to identify yourself I am attempting to understand your position. If you are an artist, then it would be my hope that I’d be able to visit your website and take a look at your work. If you are a gallery owner then I would wonder if your comments were of a competitive nature. If you are simply an opinionated lover of the arts, then I would like to discover the reasoning behind the intensity of your comments.
As I stated, aggint99, you are absolutely entitled to your passionate expression, but in my opinion, it’d be more substantive if you’d stand behind your words by simply identifying who you are.
By the way: I do not know Mr. Lundin and I am not defending either him or his art as I am sure he’d prefer to speak for himself.
I am the Walrus.
Unpleasant character indeed