Where did Howard House artists go, after the gallery’s demise? A few of the best have joined a few others who are nearly always unaffiliated to form a temporary online fire sale, the BBQ Biennial. Instead of $5,000 or $10,000, how about $150? How about $5? It’s a joke about art and money, with real art as its sobering punchline. Those offering their life’s work for a song are Debra Baxter, Gretchen Bennett, Jason Hirata, Jenny Heishman, Joey Veltkamp, Matthew Offenbacher, Nicholas Nyland, Sol Hashemi, Ian Toms and Wynne Greenwood.
Bennett: a mosquito, my libido, hello Pen on cardboard. 20 x 3 x .25 in. $50
.Baxter: Glass, sand, sterling silver, African wonder stone. 14 x 13 x 10 in. $475
Nyland: Ceramic. 2.5 x 5 x 7 in. $25
Veltkamp: Plaster Bunny Plaster and tint. 10 x 8 x 6 in $25 (Also available in chocolate.)
horrible art. No wonder Howard house gallery closed.