A handful of solid shows open in August. More on them later. Meanwhile, reliable venues are taking the month off, including Platform and Ambach & Rice.
Platform opened with four partners. Stephen Lyons is the only one left, and he runs it by himself. Even though he no doubt he needs a vacation, why pick August? Seattle collectors tend to stay in town, plus it’s high tourist season, attracting those who are sweltering where they live.
Ambach & Rice has been lights out since June 27. Its website reports it will reopen August 14, but with what? That space is a blank. No news is not necessarily good news. I’d hoped the gallery would use its time out to upgrade its website, adding, for instance, images to its list of artists represented. Alas, no. Under each artist’s name is the caption, “More information coming soon.” That’s soon in turtle time.
Lawrimore Project has scheduled nothing past the close of its Isaac Layman show, ending August 14. (Click the Layman link for more on LP’s still mysterious plans.) Fetherston Gallery’s last scheduled exhibit closed June 12th. Grey Gallery closed its Capitol Hill space on June 19 and is still looking for a new one. Ohge is out May 15-Sept 1.
The open-with-bells-on crowd includes:
Soil: Xanadu: A Stately Pleasure Dome. Group show including Amanda Manitach‘s Glory, Utopia (the head of Samuel Taylor Coleridge on the body of Terpischore) Charcoal and pastel. Opens Thursday night, 6-8.
Ouch My Eye is having a yard sale 5-11 p.m., also the opening for a group show.
Punch Gallery: Orange Crush. Yes, gallery artists explore orange. (Wasn’t Punch artist Ries Niemi recently deploring the prevalence of cute curatorial ideas?) Thursday night opening, 6-8.
Traver: Dante Marioni, opening Thursday night, 6-8.
Francine Seders: Juan Alonzo and Marita Dingus, opening August 13, reception August 15, 2-4 p.m.
Greg Kucera: Tim Bavington opens August 19, reception that night, 6-8
.Winston Wachter: My Summer Vacation continues through Aug. 27, including:
and Buddy Bunting.
All will be revealed shortly.
In the meantime…
September 2 – October 2, 2010
“.29%, The Double-Down and a Throw of the Dice”
That empty phone booth reminds me of my vacations, which is why I don’t take ’em. When you don’t know where you are, everything turns ghostly.
Curiously enough, I have used the color orange more than once in my 30 years making art, without curatorial prompting.
As yet, however, I have not made any art about mini-golf, so no existing work for a curator to select from.
And, somehow, I suspect this is true with most artists.
Colors- yes.
Mini-golf- not so much.
You could have called this post THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER. Aside from Buddy Bunting and Zack Bent whoever he is, these artists are repeating themselves.
We will be reopening with the group exhibition
“Playboys & Killjoys”featuring:
Raymond Pettibon
Sara Greenberger Rafferty
Markus Vater
Erwin Wurm
Eric Yahnker
August 28th.
…good news.