Correction: The narrative in this post contains a crucial error. While Molly Norris published her cartoon – Will the Real Likeness of the Prophet Mohammad Please Stand Up? – she did not launch the Draw Mohammad Day facebook thread.
After Comedy Central censored an episode of “South Park” that featured Muhammad in a bear suit, The Simpsons responded:
Who were they afraid of? The usual thugs ready to kill anyone who doesn’t see the world their way. Seattle artist Molly Norris attempted to lighten the issue with humor. Can’t depict Mohammad? How about as a purse, a cherry or a spool of thread?
Thinking like would attract like, she opened a facebook page and invited everybody to participate in Draw Mohammad Day. She was right; like did call to like. There was humor, a significant amount of art savvy and a gentle protest against those who make death threats against cartoonists.
.Then the haters showed up and filled pages with their contempt for all Muslims. Dismayed, Norris tried to shut it down. Too late, because hate also calls to hate.
According to a Sunday story in the New York Daily News, Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlakih has singled her out for death, calling her a “prime target.” The FBI told her they are taking the threat very seriously.
If that isn’t bad enough, Huffington Post columnist Eric Lurio weighed in with his own attack on Norris, saying that her interest in gentle satire makes her a wimp and her interest in staying alive makes her a coward.
Dear Mr. Lurio: If you’re so interested in getting murdered, why don’t you go taunt a killer or two? How about thousands of killers? Want your name in their rifle sights? I don’t know if you’re a coward, but I do know you’re a bully, a bore and a fool. Crawl back under your rock and leave Molly Norris alone.
Below, Norris in 2008, on the right. On the left, her collage, Nat King Cole, 2008, Paper, wire, gator board, paint, and glue, 60 in. x 32 in. x 9 in.
We’re with you, Molly.
This has me so spun out, Molly is my dear friend and has been an inspiration for so many years. I truly am at a loss for the ignorance of anyone wanting harm brought to her…I support her fully and if you see this Molly and need anything, just ask! My thoughts are with you!
Nice post… Small quibble though —
I don’t think that she started the FaceBook page. I remember reading that the cartoon was the extent and limit of her creativity here. Someone else liked her cartoon and turned it into an “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day”… Indeed, I just checked Wikipedia [ ] and find confirmation of my memory.
Small subtle differences make a difference.
Thanks for additional info though…
All the best
What a shame, we live in very dangerous times.
“Then the haters showed up and filled pages with contempt for all Muslims”
As they should. I do understand your point that Molly wasn’t criticizing the faith directly, but you seem to imply that the belief system itself did not play a huge role in the threat against her life. That is like suggesting that Christianity has nothing to do with the murder of homosexuals. Ask anybody who opposses gay marriage why they oppose it and the odds are that they with respond with something like “God defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman”, or some other superstitious drivel.
I have read the Koran and I can tell you what this awful book has in mind for those that do not accept it’s absurd claims: hellfire. Almost sadistically, it drives home the point that those who deny the “prophet” will burn in hell. It also states that the Koran is the final revelation. Thankfully, most Muslims reject this and are open to reading other books, but that has to do with the partial rejection of that religion. Without a doubt, The Koran and The Bible are worthy of hatred. In addition to being false and outdated in terms of scientific fact, they also condemn the free exchange of ideas.
So give the haters some credit. Especially the haters of time’s past. Without their “blasphemy” and questioning throughout the ages, this blog and possibly the internet would not even exist.
It would seem wise not to publish Molly’s picture if she is trying to stay out of the radar of petential assassins. I suggest taking it down and telling others to do so as well, for Molly’s safety.
Even though I am unequivocally against those who’d like to harm Molly for insulting Islam,I do think her depictions of the prophet Muhammad were insensitive and disrespectful. As happy as i am to live in a place where one enjoys the freedom of speech, incidents like this make me realize how much this freedom is abused In today’s environment where Muslims increasingly feel attacked and marginalized by society, Molly’s drawings do nothing but confirm their sentiments. The reality is that people like Molly are so absorbed with themselves and their “freedoms” that they forget that the expression of their “freedoms” will incite a reaction in others. Shame on Molly.
Well, little Regina, now that you have played the baby bully and called me a bunch of infantile names. let’s get down to brass tacks, shall we?
There is no such thing as “gentle satire.” Satire is a form of linguistic violence, and is meant to insult and belittle that which one thinks should.
There is a difference indeed between cowardice and stupidity, Ms.Norris first taunted a bunch of murderous bastards, and then bowed down in a craven fashion. “I didn’t KNOW you would react that way!!!”
Oh yes she did. Either that of she’s a lot dumber than she appears.
Her crime in my opinion was apologizing for doing the right thing. If doing the right thing is dangerous, then DON’T DO IT. Self- preservation isn’t a sin by any means, but putting yourself out there means putting yourself out there and facing the consequences.
IN this case the terrorists WON. They proved that the west are a bunch of inferior hypocrites who will cave at the least provocation.
Showing disrespect to those who deserve it isn’t insensitive, it’s required. If you don’t like that, so be it. I remember Charles Lindburgh said much the same thing you did, when he attacked anti-Nazis in the 1930s.
Eric. Of course there is such a thing as gentle satire, although I understand why someone like yourself thinks otherwise.