Everybody Draw Mohammed Day has proved unpopular with Pakistani censors, who did what they do best: block access.
Here are two of my favorites, anonymously posted to avoid death threats. And death. To avoid death. You want to kill for your fanatical understanding of your religion, we need to beam you back to the 14th Century, where you belong.
I may be smitten but I think Molly Norris is very cool and I think she handled the situation with tact and with a respect for the feelings of others. Those radical types just want to drive a wedge between peoples, and can we send them further back than the 14th century?
By the way, Molly was mentioned simply as a cartoonist and methinks she is so much more than that. As an artist,she is a ceramist and a paper cut-out expert and a sculptor and a videographer and a writer and a blogger and a dogwalker and an overall funny person. Most important though, I think the title of artist is the most flattering and I think it fits her to a ‘T’.
It’s been a surprising curiosity for me over the silence that has greeted your gutsy little posting here and I wonder about the reasoning behind it.
Fill me in, someone please. As Molly Norris has stated, this is all about creative freedom and is it worth it to keep quiet so as to be the last to be punished by corporate cowards and Islamic bullies?
Molly has made the decision that she would rather not be offensive to the Islamic religeon and I respect that. After all, if people are willing to show you respect then you should act in kind, right?
Molly had an opportunity to capitalize on the international name recognition that this could have brought her but she chose not to. She chose not to capitalize on hate and bigotry towards the spiritual beliefs of others.
But I would have to say this: I am not a religeous person but I have watched disgustedly for years as some people in the creative community have shown their so called bravery by trashing Christianity in all manner and form.
You know it, these extremists are bullies. But there are all kinds of ways to be a bully and as anyone knows, bullies will usually look for a target that will not strike back. I wonder how many South Park shows featured the Catholic Church and Nuns and The Pope, etc.
So I would ask these folks who feel comfortable making fun of the beliefs of others, where is your courage when it comes to Islam?