Chicago painter Hebru Brantley opens Friday night at Pun(c)tuation, the mystery meat in the Seattle art scene. To find its Web site, you have to know to look for Punctuated Life. What’s there is a dead zone. No wonder it has so little traction. Nobody would care, except it has something genuine to offer.
Case in point, Hebru Brantley. Judging entirely by images on his Web site, his Lions Disguised as Lambs promises to be an event.
Brantley is also an illustrator.
What’s the difference between art and illustration? The artist gets paid for the latter. When not painting, Brantley takes photos. That flash is the glow of him.
I’m stopping by Friday night to say hi. (705A East Pike St., 8-11 p.m. DJ in the house.)
Hebru’s opening was fantastic, a real party. Some of his paintings remind me of R. Crumb. Hopefully this will put pun(c)tuation on the map.