This is for those of you who make comments that are never seen again. You
drop a rock, and there are no ripples. Your rock was deleted before it
hit the pond. The reason why is not mechanical malfunction. I am trying
to curate the comments within a loose frame of civility. Here are a few
guidelines, and those who sign their names get more license to push the
1. Personal attacks. Try to refrain.
Unsupportable ranting. (You’re boring and/or scaring me.)
3. Non
Sequiturs. Comments that see the light of day tend to be about the
subject at hand. If yours is wildly entertaining, however, I might post
it anyway. I’d like to come up with a way for people to introduce topics
rather than respond to the ones I raise, but I’m not there yet.
Falsehoods. As Senator Al Franken (D-MN) likes to say, everybody is
entitled to his own opinions but not his own facts. I will publish comments that contain assertions of fact I know to be errors and then reply to them, but not if the error is too ugly to air.
Incoherence. (In not posting, I’m doing you a favor.)
Thanks to
everyone who reads the blog and everyone who comments, even those whose comments I
alone see. They are evidence of engagement, which I appreciate.
Regina,the curator of comments gallery!!!!!
Your no to personal attacks includes attacks on you, right? This is why you have suppressed my comments?
Bingo, Darius. But I’m not airport security and don’t maintain a no-fly list. You can be published as long as you avoid phrases like, old hag, and slurs that are downhill from old hag.
What about libel? If a commenter libels someone, are you responsible?
Danny. I don’t have a libel lawyer on speed dial, but I assume yes. It’s my blog. I post the comments, so I have the responsibility.
“I’m not airport security and don’t maintain a no-fly list.” – that’s funny! I will use that sentence!
Keep on!
Add #6 to your list, because it’s something you do. You corrected my spelling, and I wanted it the way I wrote it. I would have used the conventional spelling if I wanted to. Please leave my comments alone. I’d rather not publish them at all than see them put through your grinder. I’m sure you thought you were helping. Don’t help.