Rush, Fox News and its zany all recall Father Charles Coughlin, anti-Semitic radio priest of the 1930s. While today’s version is certainly appalling, none of them go as far as Coughlin, who sided with Hitler right up until FDR managed to talk the American Catholic Church into ordering him off the air.
Here’s the big difference. Coughlin appealed to those who had nothing and wanted someone to blame. Fox appeals to the well-fed.
Maynard Dixon’s Forgotten Man from 1934 (image via) is not a portrait of a Glenn Beck supporter.
Tebaggers aren’t worried about scabs.
Dixon, Scabs (image via)
Nor are they likely to break factory windows. Their goal is to prevent a just and multicultural America from emerging. Since the last election, they have managed to convince a growing number of the disenfranchised to join them. The phenomenon makes the violent strikers of the 1930s look like sages. They at least knew who was on their side and who wasn’t.
FACTORY windows are always broken.
Somebody's always throwing bricks,
Somebody's always heaving cinders,
Playing ugly Yahoo tricks.
Factory windows are always broken.
Other windows are let alone.
No one throws through the chapel-window
The bitter, snarling, derisive stone.
Factory windows are always broken.
Something or other is going wrong.
Something is rotten--I think, in Denmark.
End of factory-window song.
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This is not the way societies form and break up. It has nothing to do with politics. You take the best people across the spectrum of political thought and find a way for them to reason together. If you can’t sit down to really listen to someone you don’t agree with, you aren’t in favor of democracy.