I know a couple who went to a marriage revival program sponsored by a fundamentalist church. For a week they both sported a big button on their chests. I Love My Wife, said his. I Love My Husband, said hers. “I love my freedom,” said her brother, under his breath and hiding in the kitchen.
Ghada Amer‘s happy-ever-after jumpsuits are just right for Valentine’s Day. Write it often enough, it will sound like the truth: Ken Loves Barbie. Barbie Loves Ken.
Amer is taking a little too much from Lesley Dill. I’m surprised you like it. I’d be surprised if you like Dill. But a Dill imitator is not worth writing about. Try not to let your lust to denigrate Valentine’s Day (bitter, much?)affect your art judgment. Otherwise, keep up the good work. I read you daily.