Tire Truck Buddha by NameTheRabbit via deviantART (Thanks, Paul O’Neil)
Gary Snyder, from Mother Earth: Her Whales
And Japan quibbles for words on
what kind of whales they can kill?
A once-great Buddhist nation
dribbles methyl mercury
like gonorrhea
in the sea.
Ah China, where are the tigers, the wild boars,
the monkeys,
like the snows of yesteryear
Gone in a mist, a flash, and the dry hard ground
Is parking space for fifty thousand trucks.
I am reminded of the Canadian sculptor Jerry Pethick. A Venus of Willendorf made of lightbulbs. A 15′ tall Bottle Man made of you know what. Another sort of figure made of rolled up rug mats. Those are better, I think. This tire Buddah is made richer, more complex by your connecting it with the Snyder poem. Nice.