The latest round of acquisitions at the Seattle Art Museum concentrates on Asian and Asian American work, which is, for the museum, a kind of roots music. SAM opened as a Pan-Asian art museum, a field that continues to be a strength.
Xue Song, Coca Cola, 1998, 24 x 20 inches.
Miwa Yanagi, Yuka, from the My Grandmothers series, 2000. Chromogenic print on Plexiglas, mounted on aluminum.
Chiho Aoshima, Red Eyed Tribe Maker, 2002, print
Yuken Teruya, Untitled, (Sigonas), 2002, paper bag sculpture
Joseph Park, Tigerish Bean Maker, 2005, painting
Johsel Namkung, four photographs, 1980s, including:
Wei Letang (John Way), hanging scroll, 1988
Mr. Hikone Maker, two paintings, 1999-2000
Shen Shichong, hanging scroll, 1629
Zhang Yu, hanging scroll, 1792
Toshiko Takaezu, late 1950s stoneware.
Koo Bohnchang , vessel, 2005
Deng Shu, Boating in Guangling, 1924
Sarah Sze, scroll, 1996
Aki Fujimoto, Mmmmmmmmmmmm 1999; Fine Today, 1999, and 9 Polaroid prints, 1999
Tomoko Takahashi, Line In & Out: Day and Night, 1999
Shen Liang, Book Cover Series, 2006
Sun Yi, hanging scroll, Peony Maker, early 18th century
Hiroshi Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi House, photograph, 1999
Bada Shanren (Zhu Da), hanging scroll, Lotus and Ducks Maker Bada Shanren, 1690s
Akio Takamori, Sleeper, Maker, 2000
I’m a grandmother. Miwa Yanagi is my new hero. Ah, for the wind through my dyed red hair and a young man in the driver’s seat.
I’ll stick with the Coke, if it’s all the same to you, Lisa.