Oh come on, Ben. Any old fat guy? Emilio is NOT fat, and he’s not any old guy. In his mimicry, the particulars of various artists become clear and distinct while at the same time being him. Everything we do repeats what another artist has done before us. These are tributes. I guess you Ben are what Internet chat rooms call a troll. I never understood what that meant before. What I don’t understand is why Regina let you say this. Isn’t she editing these comments?
Helen: I do screen the comments to reject personal attacks as well as the meaninglessly goofy, but this time I thought Ben deserved to be posted. The work is about the artist’s body inserted into the iconic. I agree with you about its meaning, and that the artist is not fat. Regina
I guess I don’t agree- as long as it seems original to me that is enough.
If the thick artist truly believes that there is no original art he must have read about this silly notion ad nauseum.
Why bore us with his blaah retelling. I see theory roadkill.
My opinion stands- not clever and not original. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
It’s the YouTube paradigm. Any old fat guy can dress up like the famous and become famous himself.
Oh come on, Ben. Any old fat guy? Emilio is NOT fat, and he’s not any old guy. In his mimicry, the particulars of various artists become clear and distinct while at the same time being him. Everything we do repeats what another artist has done before us. These are tributes. I guess you Ben are what Internet chat rooms call a troll. I never understood what that meant before. What I don’t understand is why Regina let you say this. Isn’t she editing these comments?
Helen: I do screen the comments to reject personal attacks as well as the meaninglessly goofy, but this time I thought Ben deserved to be posted. The work is about the artist’s body inserted into the iconic. I agree with you about its meaning, and that the artist is not fat. Regina
Well- this person’s work is not clever or original. Thus I find it annoying.
Re. his physique–I would describe him as “thick.”
Well, Ms. Marple, in the 21st century, unlike your own, there is no such thing as original, which I dare say is part of the artist’s point.
I guess I don’t agree- as long as it seems original to me that is enough.
If the thick artist truly believes that there is no original art he must have read about this silly notion ad nauseum.
Why bore us with his blaah retelling. I see theory roadkill.
My opinion stands- not clever and not original. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ