Dorothy Rissman found a tarp washed up on the beach at Whidbey Island. The coat she made of it is sacramental, battered into an abandoned gravity.
When my sister’s husband refused to speak to her all night and into next morning for a trivial mistake, I suggested that next time he insisted on the silent treatment, she could pour honey in his work shoes. When he slipped them on in the morning, he’d talk. If not, she could cut up his favorite suit and leave it in shreds on its hanger.
Ruined clothes carry a message. They rebuke us for our rage and take up space in our heads long after they’re gone.
Eric Yahnker, Analogous To The Fall Of That One Empire (Gap Shirt) 2004-2005 Shirt in which all of the thread has been removed excluding the pinstripe pattern.
Peter Shelton’s whitecoat is not an empty husk. It stands on its own, having squeezed whoever wore it out of the picture.
And maybe…