…all thy passions, match’d with mine,
Are as moonlight unto sunlight, and as water unto wine–
Tomorrow night, beginning around 6:30,
Lucy Lucia Neare’s Theatrical Wonders presents the 12th edition of Lullaby Moon at Warren G. Magnuson Park. (Details here.)
While this event could easily fall into the dread category of a sprites-dancing, whimsical reverie, I know sane and sensible people following its once-monthly (on a full new moon) procession through Seattle who are ravished by its charms.
Like Alice in her Wonderland, the streets of downtown Seattle appeared to be overtaken by a dream on Thursday evening.
Six-foot-tall rabbits danced with white cats while horses pushed carriages. Clocks skipped along the street and owls danced with their umbrellas.
Those who knew what was happening smiled as they watched the street performance. Those who stumbled upon it looked amazed.
The show, Lullaby Moon, was created by Lucia Neare and was the 11th in a yearlong series of magical shows that celebrate the lunar phase of the new moon. (more)
Funded by 4Culture.
Kate Hailey, who went in May, took this photo:
Regina, this production is really awesome and magical! You should see it if you can.
One note – the performance is on the night of the new moon, not the full one!
Regina! Are you in tryouts for The Wicked Witch? Nobody could object to Lullaby Moon. It’s magic.
Thank you, Sharon! Noted.