Els Vanden Meersch as a bee, making honeycomb:
Ben Beres as a cat (SuttonBeresCuller):
Bryan Zanisnik – mom and dad as stars in the night sky, with nuclear cooling towers as background shadows and the demised World Trade Center at her feet.
Mandy Greer as a spider:
Fred Muram as a horse, after John Baldessari :
Darren Waterston as a jellyfish:
Susan Robb as an animal made of land:
Claude Zervas as many bears:
Dan Webb as a dandelion:
Gretchen Bennett as her own forest:
I love the forest of buttons and the land mass animal. Parents as stars is pretty good too. Thank you.
What’s Dan Webb’s flower made of? That’s better than nature.
I think Mandy Greer’s weaving is more like a river than a spider’s web.
That’s okay Ellen, little kids called it a spiderweb, and Regina is probably happy to be in that crowd! Actual spiders made webs in nearly every larger circular opening a day or two after it would appear. i’ll dig through the pictures…