In the last several months, Vital 5 Productions has awarded $500 Arbitrary Art Grants in writing, graphic design, dance, performance art and sculpture. The last award goes to art dealers.
Art dealers?
Says Vital 5’s Greg Lundgren:
Some may say, “Art Dealer! Why, that’s not someone you give grants to!
Give it to the artists.” And my response is three fold – All artists who exhibit their work are part dealer; all dealers are part artist,
and lastly- sit on it.
Thursday, 6-7 p.m. in the parking lot of the 500 block of East Pine St, Vital 5 invites anyone at all to strap a piece of art (with price tag) around his/her neck and join others so attired, making walls out of bodies.
For an hour, pedestrians can stroll into
this temporary structure and view a selection of poorly curated work
(one thing at a time, alright?)…One person will walk with $500.00 cash,
chosen randomly, in one small effort to recognize and appreciate the
true nature of our arts culture. Plus, how cool would it be to make a
gallery out of bodies? Come one, come all! Rain or shine.
All entries will be exhibited at Dada Economics at Bumbershoot, 2009
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