From Vital 5, a continuation of its awards to anybody at all who can follow a few simple instructions and happens to get lucky. Each time out, one person (or group) walks away with $500. (More here.)
Till July 10, all who post on YouTube demonstrations of themselves (or others) dancing as if they’d been shot will go into a pool from which the winner will be selected at random. Inevitably (and unnecessarily), the great participate, such as (below) Jessica Jobaris in Germany. Film by Luke Allen; score, I’mma Shine by Youngbloodz.
Previous posts: Arbitrary awards in performance art and sculpture here and here. All entries in all fields will be exhibited in Seattle in the fall. The project is an attack on the idea that experts know what quality is and panels full of them are doing a heck of a job, Brownie, at finding and/or supporting it.