Driving a bus can afford an Artist much needed time-off while providing an income. For the past four months I’ve been driving school buses whereby I have a four hour break between my morning and afternoon routes.I’ve completed three ample drawings and proceded further on my current painting project during this time. When I first hired on I went looking for other Artists amongst the poole of drivers but alas, there was nary a one to be found. If you need income, can be reliable and can get up early, then this job would be a good fit for an Artist.
Driving a bus can afford an Artist much needed time-off while providing an income. For the past four months I’ve been driving school buses whereby I have a four hour break between my morning and afternoon routes.I’ve completed three ample drawings and proceded further on my current painting project during this time. When I first hired on I went looking for other Artists amongst the poole of drivers but alas, there was nary a one to be found. If you need income, can be reliable and can get up early, then this job would be a good fit for an Artist.