Below, illuminations on a point made today in the LA Times by Ann Powers, logging in with the best (only good) obit:
…as a man whose physical presence was first androgynous and
then seemingly cyborgian, forcing his astounded public to puzzle over
their assumptions about race, gender and age.
Jeff Koons: Michael Jackson and Bubbles, 1998
Christian Marclay: from Body Mixes
Samantha Scherer: Just his eyes
As he saw himself: Robot Head (1 & 2) from Moonwalker:
Another way to see Jackson as he saw himself: Turn him into a toy, a la
Michael Matthew Porter:
Mark Flood goes for the benign freaky:
RIP to the dazzling genius of rhythm and pop soul. There is, however, and elephant in the room, and that rough beast has nothing to do with the moonwalk. As Chris Rock said, “We loved him so much we let the first kid slide.”
Banksy here, putting a face on the (in fairness, unproven) problem. More Jackson-in-art here.
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