Good NYT story today by Sonia Kolesnikov-Jessop on the great transitional figure of Chinese art, Wu Guanzhong, now 90. Online, it ran with no images, which is bizarre but still a frequent enough occurrence in newspapers that it goes largely unremarked. A visual art review devoid of images is like a diving suit without an oxygen tank.
What has always struck me about Wu’s work is his tenderness for lost things. Below, The Ancient City of Jiaohe, from 2007, via.
Joseph Goldberg, Wall Ghosts, 1999
Ansel Adams, St. Francis Church, 1929,
Georgia O’Keeffe, Ranchos Church No. 1, 1929
Jay Steensma, Landscape, 1991
Jeremy Mangan, The Little One, 2009
Whiting Tennis, Stranded Tudor, 2009
Gary Faigin
Jesse Paul Miller, Landscape, 2007
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