As an addition to this post (Body farming: the latest in pushing up daises), artist/curator Sharon Arnold suggested the image below by Jennifer Zwick:
Very nice indeed. It reminds me of Crazy Jane’s final, trump-card words to the bishop:
A woman can be proud and stiff
When on love intent;
But Love has pitched his mansion in
The place of excrement;
For nothing can be sole or whole
That has not been rent.
And as an addition to this post (Art at the end of the road: your life span – time’s up), David Maisel suggested this image from his series, Library of Dust:
I forgot to say that piece is called “Asscape”
“Asscape”, very impressive. Should go down in the anals of history.(oops, should I have said annals?)
Oh good! That Jen Zwick piece was the first thing that popped into my head, as well, but I couldn’t find the image on her website and I let the idea, er, slip through the cracks. Leave it to the SEAF curator to have a jpeg lying around… =)
*haha* Emily! Guilty as charged. 🙂