Dear Reader,
It’s your turn to write!
I’ll resume posting on SEEING THINGS after Labor Day. Meanwhile, readers’ Comments on this year’s reviews–and, especially, all of the “Personal Indulgences” essays–are more than welcome and will be posted promptly.
The titles of the 18 “Personal Indulgences” essays posted to date are on the front page of SEEING THINGS under the rubric “Indulgences.” You can access any of these essays by clicking on its title.
Here’s how to post a Comment: At the end of each piece I post on SEEING THINGS, you’ll find a line that includes the word “Comments.” Click on it. In the box that appears, please post the thoughts that you would like to share. You should enter your e-address and, if you wish, your name and a url in the spaces provided (these will not appear when the material is published).
With good wishes,
Very Tom Sawyer!
Enjoy your rest! I’m so glad you are still writing about dance! (I do wish, though, that I could read your thoughts about what’s been hopping at the Joyce these days.)
Dear Tobi:
I am taking you at your word (“It’s your turn to write!”) and want to comment on your “Personal Indulgences” essay about your Dad, entitled “Dr. Bill.”
I recall reading it when it was published almost a year ago and had intended to write a comment then because I was deeply touched then as I am now. I welcome this opportunity to write a comment.
It occurs to me that you are following in your Dad’s footsteps in two specific ways: “connections” and “analyzing.” As a highly respected, gifted doctor, he made human “connections,” i.e., house calls during the night, and had the uncanny ability to “analyze,” i.e., recognizing Herbie’s internal bleeding so spontaneously, it was extraordinary.
As a gifted writer, in your role as a dance critic you also make very human “connections,” such as the differences or similarities among various dances, dancers, and choreographers. Add to this the multitude of books and multifaceted articles you have written.
Like your Dad, you have the ability to “analyze” what you perceive, and, like your Dad, you are extremely articulate.
You mentioned that your Dad “didn’t waste time on small talk.” In a few well-chosen words he said what he meant. I think that you inherited that gift and emulate that ability through your criticism and numerous other pieces of writing.
My assessment is that ability can be compared to great artists like Picasso and Dali. In just a few brush strokes their meanings are clearly understood or recognized. Of the great choreographers like Martha Graham, my beloved Pearl Lang, Paul Taylor, George Balanchine (to mention just a few) in most cases there wasn’t anything extraneous.
While the links I have described might be a little far-fetched, they are nevertheless a bond that I see.
In a sense, your Dad was an artist in the “connections” and “brush strokes” he made. By writing about your Dad in such a beautifully artful way, you honor his life. May you continue to do that. It is an everlasting tribute to him and to you.
Dear writer,
I love your indulgences. Knowing you more than half of my lifetime but not knowing when you’d stop having indulgences. Guess have to wait for all your indulgences in a book in my next lifetime.
From one of your million readers
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