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Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Sites That Ask You To Register If you encounter a registration screen when you click on any link, try the ArtsJournal registration
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Thursday, February 13, 2003

Sotheby's & Christie's Class Action Lawsuit Settlement Believe you might be owed money from the $512 million settlement of the Christie's/Sotheby's price-fixing suit? Time's running out to get in on the settlement... By Chicago Clearing

Sunday, December 29, 2002

The Stories of 2002 - To An Unsettling Counterpoint In any average year, money almost always seems to play some sort of counterpoint in stories about the arts. But from Melbourne to Moscow, money dominated more than its share of arts stories in 2002. ArtsJournal editor Douglas McLennan writes about the top arts stories of 2002 in the London Evening Standard... By Douglas McLennan

Sunday, December 15, 2002

What You're Reading... Curious about which stories were most popular with ArtsJournal readers last week? Here's a list of the five most-clicked stories... By Douglas McLennan

Sunday, March 4, 2001

Art Crimes The world stood aghast this week as Afghanistan's rulers willfully destroyed important pieces of our cultural history. By Doug McLennan

Thursday, March 1, 2001

Reality Check Last week the music recording industry reported cd sales were down last year, attributing the decline to digital music downloading. But is it true? By Doug McLennan

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