ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


New Yorker Art Critic Peter Schjeldahl Has Died At 80

Schjeldahl was a poet, art lover and sometime artist before he became an art critic. The Fourth of July parties he and wife Brooke Alderson threw were legendary. As a critic, "He was first and foremost a visual pleasure seeker, on the prowl for new thrills." - The New York Times

What Scientists Are Learning About Language From The Grammar Of Artificial Intelligence

The overwhelming majority of the output of these AI language models is grammatically correct. And yet, there are no grammar templates or rules hardwired into them – they rely on linguistic experience alone, messy as it may be. - The Conversation

How Social Media Is Changing How We Engage With Art

The internet has always had an expansive capacity to reach some pretty strange and inexplicable places, but with the ever-evolving nature of social media, its strangeness is more readily available than ever before. - ArtsHub

How Toni Morrison Bored A Tunnel Through Writer’s Block And Got To Work Writing “Jazz”

"'I know this woman!' she kept thinking. 'Angered by my inability to summon suitable language,' she writes, 'I threw my pencil on the floor, sucked my teeth in disgust.'  Sth.  'So that's what I wrote' she says, and it became the novel's first line." - T — The New York Times Style Magazine

For Black Writers: A “Representation” Trap

Our current problem isn’t an insufficient amount of Black representation in literature but a surfeit of it. And in many cases that means simply another marketing opportunity, a way to sell familiar images of Blackness to as broad an audience as possible. - The New York Times

Russian Troops Murder Conductor Yuriy Kerpatenko, Who Refused To Perform For Them

"Conductor Yuriy Kerpatenko declined to take part in a concert 'intended by the occupiers to demonstrate the so-called ‘improvement of peaceful life’ in Kherson,'" according to Kiev's culture ministry. - The Guardian (UK)

Climate Activists Throw Tomato Soup On Van Gogh’s Sunflowers

Or rather, on the glass protecting it. "'What is worth more, art or life?' said one of the activists. ... 'Is it worth more than food? More than justice? Are you more concerned about the protection of a painting or the protection of our planet and people?'" - The Guardian (UK)

And What’s The New York Times’s Initial Verdict On The New David Geffen Hall’s Acoustics?

Zachary Woolfe: "Any judgment on a hall's acoustics is highly provisional after just a few visits. ... But a mighty improvement is already obvious. ... (And) a theater in which it once felt like miles from the back row to the timpanis now verges on intimacy." - The New York Times

Gleeful Trashiness Is What Makes American Culture Fun. But The Culture Wars Have Chased Trashiness Away. So Where Has It Gone?

Wesley Morris: "The gutter is where our popular culture began, and the gaminess lurking there is our truest guise.  ... Trash is a persistent, consumptive force that'll set up shop in any eager host. And its shamelessness went and found a new home, in American politics." - The New York Times Magazine

The Modern Orchestra Is An Exquisite Piece Of Technology. Its Operating System Could Use An Update

The institution of an orchestra was built for another time. In an age of attacks against institutions, perhaps it's necessary to tweak how the institution works. - The American Scholar

Cate Blanchett Works Very, Very Hard, And She Really, Really Doesn’t Like To Talk About How She Does It

"It's the eternal problem where you make a deep, instinctual connection with something ... but then you move through it, you put it out there, ... and then we go through this process where somehow the person that it's moved through has to make sense of it." - The New York Times Magazine

How Much Is The Life Of Cate Blanchett’s Character In “Tár” Like That Of A Real Conductor?

In terms of the music-making, Justin Davidson observes, Blanchett and filmmaker Todd Field do very well. But Lydia Tár's awful behavior? She could've gotten away with much of it decades ago, but not now.  And, alas, no female conductor has yet had the opportunity for anything like Tár's career. - Vulture

Angela Lansbury, 96

Lansbury was the winner of five Tony Awards for her starring performances on the New York stage, from “Mame” in 1966 to “Blithe Spirit” in 2009, when she was 83, a testament to her extraordinary stamina. Yet she appeared on Broadway only from time to time over a seven-decade career. - The New York Times

How The Acousticians Went About Fixing David Geffen Hall

Rivka Galchen looks into the development of acoustical engineering as a craft (which goes all the way back to Chichén Itzá and Hagia Sophia) and how Christopher Blair and Paul Scarbrough of the firm Akustiks approached the challenge of a venue that had seemed acoustically cursed. - The New Yorker

LA Opera Gets A New Resident Conductor

Lina Gónzalez-Granados was 5 "when she joined a 'tuna' — a musical group traditionally made up of college students who ... stand in a semi-circle wielding Spanish guitars of various sizes and shapes and singing ballads." That was her first lesson in the physical nature of music. - Los Angeles Times

Vermeer Didn’t Paint One Of The National Gallery Vermeers

Turns out that, as long suspected, Girl with a Flute is not by Vermeer. "Thanks to new combinations of scientific analysis, art historical insight and informed looking, a vexing, long-standing problem has been resolved." - Washington Post

So Much Is Riding On The Renovation Of The Lincoln Center’s Geffen Hall

For one thing, "New York has yet to see tourism fully rebound, and attendance at many performing arts organizations has lagged. The reconfigured hall is seen as an opportunity to try to lure old concertgoers back, and to bring new audiences in." - The New York Times

The Conundrum Of Preservation Hall, The New Orleans Jazz Mecca

"It is a white-owned and white-run institution with a self-described mission to 'preserve, protect and perpetuate' one of the nation's greatest Black cultural legacies. ... A place where all the knotty questions of race and culture ... that face New Orleans and all of America are on blaring display." - The New York Times Magazine

Wall Street Fund Starts $2 Billion Fund To Buy Music Copyrights

“Increasing demand for content from streaming services and social media make iconic music IP a scarce and irreplaceable asset,” said Angelo Rufino, a managing partner at Brookfield, pointing to how music is being licensed to Peloton, TikTok and the metaverse. - The Wall Street Journal

A Critic’s First Hints About The Acoustics In The Renovated David Geffen Hall

Michael Andor Brodeur: "I can at least say without getting too subjective or getting in any trouble that the difference in sound is immediate and arresting. ... Not once did I find myself leaning forward in my seat or squinting with my ears. The sound finds you." - The Washington Post
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