This one will be no surprise to readers of this blog. Let's really work on exploring and then considering organizational designs other than the 501c3. Yes, the 501c3 offers a number of seductive characteristics, but it is also expensive to operate, cumbersome administratively and has the potential to become insular. Organizational design, as well as … [Read more...] about Ten Work Items for 2011, Task #4
Ten Work Items for 2011, Task #3
Let's make a commitment to creating and nurturing cooperative ventures, not just within our inner circles, or our comfort zones, but those that stretch us artistically and those that make our entities more efficient. Face it: we're very, very conservative and unimaginative when it comes to artistic cooperative ventures. Our first thoughts are to cooperate with those like … [Read more...] about Ten Work Items for 2011, Task #3
Ten Work Items for 2011, Task #2
Let's develop better use of the language within our field. Our weakness here feeds our weakness in presenting a more effective argument for the arts (Work Task #1). Our needs in this area are numerous. One, we tend to misunderstand, and confuse the "languages" of marketing, development and simple descriptive narrative. "Market talk" has … [Read more...] about Ten Work Items for 2011, Task #2
Ten Work Items for 2011
In keeping with the annual spate of Top Ten lists, I offer here a Top Ten list of work items for the arts sector for 2011. In this blog I will outline the first of these. Then, on each of the next 9 days I will deliver one each day. I'll then take a break for the holidays and return to blogging on January 3, 2011. Item #1 Develop a better argument for the … [Read more...] about Ten Work Items for 2011
Government Money
Two unrelated incidents in my professional life have me fixated on the issue of government support for arts and culture. One, the class I'm currently teaching at Drexel took up in discussion and research the topic, and as I had hoped, had strong and intelligent opinions. And two, I'm presently working on a project involving a municipality and its performing … [Read more...] about Government Money