Sent to me by Mark Pomerantz, Seattle U. and USASBE LIAISON newsletter editor,
“Innovators are the dreamers: They create the prototypes, work out the kinks and then get bored, anxious to return to what they do best, which is inventing more prototypes. They are rarely concerned, ultimately, with the financial viability of what they do. Entrepreneurs are the builders: They turn prototypes into going concerns — then they get bored. For them, financial viability is the single most important aspect of what they do.” (Boschee & McClurg, 2003, pp. 1-5).
Boschee J., & McClurg, J. (2003), Toward a better understanding of social entrepreneurship: Some important distinctions.
Jim…it is true that entrepreneurs are builders, However they build because of their vision of a need and market, they build because of a passion for the idea, they build by being resourceful. Sometimes the innovator and the entrepreneur are the same, but seldom. Tom
The quote continues,” Professional mangers are the trustees: They secure the future by installing and overseeing the systems and infrastructure needed to make sure the going concern keeps going.”