Imagine what would happen if foundations and corporate donors funded not by grantee promises or relationships, but by their deeds and impact instead. Ah well, a man can dream, can’t he? Imagine a world in which nonprofit arts organizations are given every tool they need to succeed. Or, in lieu of that, enough money to care for their communities, provide needed services, … [Read more...] about Measuring the Arts is Impossible – Which Is Why Funders Should Measure Charitable Impact Instead
Nonprofit Management
Why Do Donors Ask for Irrelevant Data?
Could it be that you never talked to them about your nonprofit’s charitable goals and how they mesh with the donor’s? Whose fault is that? A few weeks ago, I participated in a discussion about the arts and measuring impact in the community. As every other author does, I believed that the message that the arts are not a tax-exempt activity had been spread far and wide among … [Read more...] about Why Do Donors Ask for Irrelevant Data?
Last of the Summer Whine
The seven attributes of a successful nonprofit arts organization. You gotta do all seven to win. Before I take off for a month, I thought I’d let you in on the secret to success for nonprofit arts organizations. Note how “raising money” is not among the things on the list. That’s a business practice, not an attribute of success. Of course you’ll have to raise money! That … [Read more...] about Last of the Summer Whine
Nonprofit Arts Leaders: Just Like the Overhead Myth, Ratios are Ridiculous
Plus: a bonus, non-hypothetical question for you! Now that the end of the fiscal year has passed, and while you're busy toting up the red ink and how you'll hide it from the board and your funders, let's all try not to make the same mistakes regarding your marketing budget for the coming year, okay? This one’s not for the marketing folks. They know what they’re doing. … [Read more...] about Nonprofit Arts Leaders: Just Like the Overhead Myth, Ratios are Ridiculous
Nonprofit Arts Leaders: To Change Your Organization for the Better, You Actually Have to Change
Don’t let your dominant response default you into driving into that wall. Let’s say you’re driving to an important meeting. There are a lot of complex issues to be discussed. Short-term problems. Long-term problems. Your company, no matter what kind of company it is, utilizes an overabundance of processes, even when things are running smoothly. But you have tasks to do, … [Read more...] about Nonprofit Arts Leaders: To Change Your Organization for the Better, You Actually Have to Change