As has been widely discussed, equity is not the same thing as equality. The words are too often used interchangeably, but they are vastly different in impact. Each uses tools, but equity requires a second step. In that way, using the image above as a reference, a movie theatre handing out 3D glasses is a form of equality. They offer the same experience for every audience … [Read more...] about Nonprofit Arts Leaders: Already Practicing Equity? Or Is It Just Equality?
Changing the Way Nonprofit Arts Organizations Do Business is Hard. Aw.
No, you don’t get to mount that show you’ve always wanted to do. Artistic leaders with nonprofit organizations are notorious for wanting to do “that show” that no one has yet done well. Or do an exhibition of “that artist” whose work was never appreciated before they rediscovered it. Or that lost symphony by Whatshisname. On behalf of your community, the one you pledged … [Read more...] about Changing the Way Nonprofit Arts Organizations Do Business is Hard. Aw.
Protests, Marches, and the Nonprofit Arts Industry: How Change Happens Is Circumstantial
So, just change the circumstances. In this first article for 2023, let’s discuss how change happens. Real change. Decisive change. Permanent change. For better or worse. Change is essential to the betterment of the planet, continent, country, state, city, neighborhood, community. Without disequilibrium, we have stasis. And stasis is only good for those on the top of the … [Read more...] about Protests, Marches, and the Nonprofit Arts Industry: How Change Happens Is Circumstantial
That Moment When Impolitic Damage Impairs Your Influence
Guilty, as charged. Snark and sarcasm are very powerful, passive-aggressive tools to show how supremely intelligent, talented, and attractive you are. (See what I did there?) It doesn’t translate well to the page, as I am well aware. You have to point out the mockery, else a reader may take it as an actual feeling. I should know, because I’ve done it too many times … [Read more...] about That Moment When Impolitic Damage Impairs Your Influence
What’s the Difference Between Stocking a Buffet and Feeding Hungry People?
Thanksgiving’s coming (here in the US, that is. It already happened in Canada because they’re way ahead of us on so many things, like universal healthcare, eh?). It’s on the 24th of the month. As a typical American, you will spend the week cooking up a storm. Well, not so much a storm as a typhoon. Generally, you’ll roast a turkey, make an accompanying gravy, and fix your … [Read more...] about What’s the Difference Between Stocking a Buffet and Feeding Hungry People?