I mean really: you call
this a LEAD?!?–
It has been many years since Westerns were essentially black-and-white, cut-and-dried stories of good versus evil: morality tales with lots o horses and guns and one of everything else—a sheriff, an outlaw, an embattled hero, a town drunk, a whore with a heart of gold, a honky-ton piano, and a schoolteacher from Illinois, who found out shortly after arriving in town that, for worse and for better, there was more to life tha book learnin’…
Since the past 12 months have seen Gary Giddins, Sasha Frere-Jones, Alex Ross, and former Voicer Vince Aletti in the critics section, perhaps we should give them a pass on their TV critic…? I mean, we happen to know TOM CARSON IS AVAILABLE, and has won something like three feature-of-the-year awards in a row. Isn’t this when an arts editor PICKS UP THE PHONE AND MAKES THE CALL?
In Franklin’s entire rave, she DOESN’T MENTION lead player Timothy Olyphant as Seth Bullock, Swear-engine’s mirror.