Like everybody else, I’m fascinated by Tony Hendra’s conversion buzz, but suspicious of Andrew Sullivan. While gay, and a semi-reformed neo-con (the gay marriage thing had him recanting Bush fever), Sullivan remains, after all, a Catholic. (One wonders what it might take for him to recant THAT fever.) Carolyn See was disdainful in the WashPost, but a bit overboard. With no time to read something like this, I’d love to hear some respectable opinions on it. Gary Wills? Michael O’Donaghue? Harry Shearer? After all, Hendra is the guy who roared “Genius is PAIN!!!!!!!!”
Down in front, it’s time for my notorious impression of Sting.
Regarding the review posted below: folks who don’t read the book shouldn’t review it, period. A substantive disagreement is fine, but with no quotes to rebut directly, I’m forced to consider the notion that Grace Slick parades covertly as a PW stringer. Who else would care what she thinks?