Asked about his intriguing new album, west coast trumpeter Dick Titterington talked about the project’s genesis at a Christmas party gig. At their bandleaders’s request, each of the musicians wrote a new composition for the occasion.  Titterington says that they enjoyed one another and the resulting interplay so much that they expanded the Christmas encounter into material for an entire album. The CD has emerged on the HeavyWood label as Horn Art Works: 14 Pieces.
It has plenty of counterpoint, humor and lines whose intricacies are closely woven despite the small number of instruments. The three movements of Titterington’s “Russian Blue” emphasize the virtuosic characteristics of all three musicians, from the purity of Tim Jensen’s flute to the muscular, strategically-placed offbeat notes of Lars Campbell’s trombone. Titterington’s trumpet playing is brilliant.
This charming chamber music encounter includes bonus tracks featuring a frequent Titterington collaborator, singer Rebecca Kilgore (it’s okay; they’re married). Those bonus pieces are both titled “No Encore.” They are arranged by Titterington and Kilgore. Â This album doesn’t need an encore, and I would be surprised if its rewarding music didn’t inspire frequent replays.
Here is Titterington’s “Russian Blue.”