Yelena Eckemoff, Nocturnal Animals (L&H Productions)
Russian-born pianist and composer Eckemoff, long a New York resident, collaborates with a superb rhythm section of Scandinavian musicians. They are inspired by creatures that populate the world’s forests of the night.  Eckemoff’s animals range from those we humans seldom see…cicadas, scorpions, fireflies, walkingsticks…to those familiar from daily life and folklore…wolves, bats, owls, grizzly bears, snakes. She and her collaborators are anchored by the stentorian Norwegian bassist Arild Andersen and include percussionists Jon Christensen and Thomas Strønen. Her compositions tend toward the lyrical, as in this one inspired by the fox she painted for the album cover.
Come see us again tomorrow as we continue to play catchup. Interesting music has shown up at Rifftides headquarters.