The ambitious multiple blogger Jerry Bowles has put together blognoggle, a clearinghouse for several blogs. In a message to Rifftides, he writes:
I started blognoggle pages on new music, business and politics because I realized that only a small fraction of internet users now bother with RSS readers and those who do become quickly overwhelmed by too
much information. My hunch is that web readers (particularly music lovers as opposed to techies) would much rather go to a web page where the most important and freshest posts from the best sources have already been automatically selected for them to quickly review.
A good idea. I, for one, don’t know from RSS. The blognoggle page on new music is here. Among other valuable leads, it will take you to video of an Art Tatum performance of “Yesterdays.†Tatum stuck pretty much to his virtuoso routine on the piece, but he always incorporated a surprise or two. In this case, listen for his “Salt Peanuts†fillips.
The blognoggle music page has links to Bowles’s politics and business pages. I’m adding a link to it—and by proxy, them—in the Rifftides Other Places guide in the right-hand column. Mr. Bowles is also the proprietor of the excellent Sequenza21 blog on classical music. Bravo, sir. Sequenza21 gets an Other Places link, too.