Ok, it happened last month–in mid-December–but you probably missed it too, and it’s too lovely a gesture, one with potential impact, to overlook. So….
The Cleveland Museum announced gifts of “Create It Kits” to all third graders in Cleveland public, charter and parochial school in Cuyahoga County. Technically, they weren’t holiday gifts–they were “one of the final celebrations of [the museum’s] centennial year,” according to Cleveland Scene. That’s 14,000 kits.
The kits include art supplies, a custom-made “Get Creative†sketchbook with art-making activities, a free children’s “Art Explorers†membership to the museum, five Collection Cards featuring objects from the museum’s permanent collection and a DIY paper glasses cutout inspired by the museum’s prized Portrait of Nathaniel Olds by Jeptha Homer Wade.
Splendid idea–read more about why here; kudos to the Cleveland Museum.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Cleveland Scene