I had to change my e-mail address and web site location. I’ve been using Earthlink for 17 years, paying $62 a month (which I understand is rather high), and last month my rate jumped to $562 – that’s not a typo. So I challenged the charges and the bank got my money back, and, looking around the internet, I see that Earthlink has devolved into a gang of thieves: charging people for things not wanted, refusing cancellation, all kinds of stuff, and if you try to complain you’re talking to someone in India whose English you can hardly understand. So anyway, the web site will still be at kylegann.com, but I’m doing a redirect to Hostmonster, per my brother’s recommendation, so there may be some disruption of service. All mp3s hopefully running again soon. My new e-mail address is reachable via the “contact” link on the web site. UPDATE: If there’s any problem with the redirect, find my web page here. And please let me know of links not working.