My grandmother, my father’s mother, had a nonchalant and serious way of saying “homeplace.” She was talking about the family farm where she lived for more than five decades, where members of the Brubaker family had lived for a century. It wasn’t grand. But conveyed in her pronunciation of that word was both great comfort and resignation. I don’t suppose I understand it. There were entire winter months when she stayed there, never venturing off … [Read more...]
Piano ear
Pianists may need different kinds of hearing than what's needed to play the violin. Because the tuning of pitch doesn't require constant attentiveness -- I'm convinced there are rather good piano players who actually hear very little of what's happening as they play. More than other musicians, pianists are likely to intone or moan audibly while playing. It's pretty conclusive evidence that whatever those players hear is not objective. The … [Read more...]
What Would Yehudi Do?
Perhaps we receive our most important education from models around us. We emulate them. And if we don't imitate behavior details, we may take on the approach or method of someone we admire. Vicarious models can be important. At 14, I devoured Arthur Rubinstein's My Young Years. I loved it more than Mr. Rubinstein's playing that I heard on recordings. The book seemed to offer a complete how-to-live prescription to a young pianist -- or young … [Read more...]