But what can we do, then, to increase states of creativity? Inducing states of both positive and negative emotions (“emotional ambivalence”) is suggested, as is creating an environment that is unusual. This may be why you’ve never heard someone say, “Cubicles?
Ask An Audience To Interact With Actors Differently And You Might Get More Than You Asked For
“What happens when you remove the typical social contract of the theatre seat? We invited the audience to walk in our oppressive world and they wanted to change it. The audience’s acts of touching and speaking, grabbing and yelling were both revelatory and deeply disturbing. Were they assholes or heroes?”
Has Record Store Day Become Just A Marketing Hoax?
“Record Store Day, now a staple of the musical calendar in Britain and around the world, is facing increasing criticism that it is harming the very businesses it was originally set up to help.”
Who’s An Artist Now?
“Just as artists in the last century questioned the hierarchy of art above life, we have an opportunity to dismantle hierarchies that can make the arts seem inaccessible and elitist, that segregate the arts by class, race and gender and create a top-down dynamic between organizations and the artists they were created to serve.”