“In the music industry, an overhaul of the copyright laws is seen as needed to keep up with the rapid pace of technological change in the marketplace, with streaming services like Pandora, Spotify and YouTube taking the place of CD sales and even downloads.”
Seattle Symphony’s ‘Baby Got Back’ Video – Enterprising Viral Hit Or Cheap And Tawdry Gimmick?
That’s the (predictable) debate that has arisen since a video of the orchestra’s performance with Sir Mix-a-Lot and a few dozen boogie-ing women started racking up the YouTube views. But that clip came from an actual concert of contemporary classical music, including a premiere by one Gabriel Prokofiev.
Composer Elodie Lauten, 63
“[Her] style, which incorporated elements of minimalism, pop, jazz, blues, classical composition, electronic music and improvisation and often combined traditional orchestral instruments with ambient sounds like bird song, sirens and amplified heartbeats – defied handy categorization. While not every critic warmed to that style, many praised her as a skilled melodist who could write music of surprising, satisfying consonance in a dissonant age.”