I was nosing around the New York Philharmonic website just now, trying to figure out how many tickets they had left to sell for opening night next week, when I was distracted as usual by something totally ridiculous. September 16, 2009: What a truly magical night for The Big Apple! Not only is a New Yorker finally leading the Philharmonic again, but the orchestra will perform at two major New York cultural institutions--Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall--at the same time. This will mark the unveiling of the New York Philharmonic's … [Read more...]
Dirt in the skirt
Eric is singing Don Basilio in The Barber of Seville at the Washington National Opera this September, which means, among other things, that I'll be throwing a DVF dress in a duffle and boarding a BoltBus on Friday to the...does D.C. have a funny city nickname? "Our nation's capital"? For the second year in a row, the Washington National Opera is presenting a free live simulcast at The Washington Nationals' stadium, Nationals Park. According to the Washington Post, last year's simulcast attracted about 15,000 people (!). Good on their corporate … [Read more...]
Thanks for making my life easier
I was dragged to Bed [why is there no comma here?] Bath & Beyond by a friend this weekend, and while he was sticking his face in front of on-sale fans, I wandered around and tried not to buy anything. A veritable Queen of Spending on things I don't need (my KitchenAid Citrus Juicer Stand Mixer Attachment, Equally Productive with Citrus Fruits of All Sizes is still in its box), Bed Bath & Beyond is a death trap for me. "You're right: my shoe rack does not have embedded moth balls. I should get another one." "I have some knifes and … [Read more...]
Sense will always have attractions for me.
My friend Joe sent this over yesterday:As the proud owner of Emma, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park and the BBC Pride and Prejudice mini-series, I can assure those of you whose DVD collections may not be as bumpin' that the way this preview is filmed is spot-on stylistically. I didn't think it was laugh-out-loud hilarious, but it does kind of make me want to read the book. I've never actually seen a good trailer for an opera, have you? I've seen ads with performance clips that are nicely edited, but nothing produced and designed like this. … [Read more...]
Talk to me about not music blogging
At the ends of weeks, I post interviews with people who know a lot more about aspects of the proverbial business than I do. Two weeks ago, theater blogger Jaime Green told us she would blog professionally if given the opportunity. This week, we have Jerry Yeti, who blogged at Yeti Don't Dance for just about three years before (sort of) giving it up, possibly for good. On November 8, 2007, you posted that you would not 1. become a blogger blogging about not blogging and 2. that your blog, Yeti Don't Dance, was not dead. There are six posts after … [Read more...]
You know, the finer things in life
I was walking to the 1 train after a meeting today and saw this:Then this:And I thought, I wonder where more New Yorkers are going to spend their hard-earned American dollars. … [Read more...]
My sister just sent me MTV Video Music Awards "VMA Side Story" trailer. If the West Side Story currently on Broadway was 1/100th as accessible as this, we'd really have ourselves a revival. Wait through the little ad and then watch:MTV ShowsI don't know how they got the rights to the song, the logo, or the poster font, but I want to have this thing's babies and will definitely watch the VMAs to see if there's more. First time for everything. September 13th at 9pm. Poison performs at the Tonys and MTV is running a West Side Story promotion? Am I … [Read more...]
From Gawker:According to "art community consultant" Patrick Courrielche, who supports those Obama Joker posters, the NEA organized a recent conference call to assemble an army of artists who will maybe possibly (hopefully?) use their work to inspire service in key social arenas, such as health care and energy....The call's participants were "encouraged" to use their myriad mediums to concoct "creative ways to talk about the issues facing the country." Now, it's not unusual for the government to use art in times of economic need. Long ago, the … [Read more...]
Skipping a generation
Classical music concerts and recording projects are planned years in advance, so cultural relevance is like Russian roulette in our industry. "Fingers crossed something happens to make that Bartok relevant in St. Louis in 2013."("Or not, we don't really care.") One might argue that certain pieces (certain plays, musicals, books and visual art) will always be relevant despite what is going on in any given time period; precisely the reason they are shown, read, and performed for generations beyond that for which they were created. A driving … [Read more...]
How do you know you’re at Carnegie Hall once you’ve gotten there?
I was en route to Molyvos last night and, even though I was extremely late and exceedingly hot, I stopped to look at the striking, massive images lining Carnegie Hall's 7th avenue wall. Just one other thing in the four years I've lived in New York (two of which were spent working next to Carnegie Hall) has stopped me outside that building, and that was when I was inexplicably, over-the-top attracted to one of Thomas Adès' press photos. Oh, here it is:(I sleep with a copy under my pillow every night.) Carnegie has been running a "How do you get … [Read more...]
Viral marketing
At 5:12pm Mozart was on the homepage of Google News. He's in the - let's say "diverse" - company of Brett Favre and Michael Jackson's doctor. I guess "strep throat" gets you mainstream media coverage, though "accidentally poisoned himself with mercury used to treat an alleged bout of syphilis" is certainly more appealing to me. … [Read more...]
What happens when you don’t open your computer all weekend
After trying to dodge the thing Frogger-style, I finally read the (third? 700th?) George Steel profile in the Times. All I will say is that in the piece, he's compared to The President of the United States of America, "another newcomer to a tough job in a time of crisis." I wonder when publicists will start comparing artists to Obama in their press releases. I'm sure it's already happened. I was forwarded an e mail about a new classical music gossip site called The Cereal List. Despite the fact that my readers did not seem to get behind Pitch … [Read more...]
Talk to me about theater blogging
Happy Friday! It's not raining and I actually have an interview to post! This week we have Jaime Green, Literary Associate at MCC Theater in Manhattan and blogger of 5 years. Below she discusses why she started blogging, while she'll keep blogging, and whether or not There Will Be/Should Be Blood in the theater blogosphere. Err..."theatrosphere". Additionally, this marks the first mention of lolcats on this blog. Jaime Green is a freelance theatre producer and dramaturg, as well as Literary Associate at MCC Theater. She is Artistic … [Read more...]
We can’t rewind we’ve gone to far
In case we need further proof that we are a video-obsessed culture, we now have live television embedded in the mirrors of THE BATHROOMS at the Time Warner Center. Maybe it will encourage more people to wash their hands? I tell you what, though: the day I'm made to pitch Public Restroom Exclusive Content, I'm switching jobs. … [Read more...]