Via Advertising is Good for You, via Adam Sherk dot com, we have the most frequently used press release buzzwords. There are some real winners in there. I’m working on an Orpheus press release, and am now feeling the need to find a way to incorporate “bleeding edge” and “low hanging fruit”. Also, if this list was classical music-specific, I’m sure “generation” would be on the list somewhere prominent.
Buzzword / Marketing Speak / Overused TermMentions in Press Releases leader 161,000 leading 44,900 best 43,000 top 32,500 unique 30,400 great 28,600 solution 22,600 largest 21,900 innovative 21,800 innovator 21,400 award winning 11,800 exclusive 11,000 premier 10,700 extensive 10,500 leading provider 10,100 innovation 9,570 real-time 8,030 fastest 7,420 easy to use 6,850 dynamic 6,460 state of the art 6,400 smart 6,020 flexible 5,660 cutting edge 5,520 biggest 5,460 world class 5,340 amazing 5,320 next generation 4,860 revolutionary 4,830 sustainable 4,720 best practices 4,680 leverage 4,600 thrilled 4,530 robust 4,380 delighted 3,560 cloud 3,260 user friendly 3,190 extraordinary 3,090 breakthrough 3,010 savvy 2,900 ROI 2,860 transform 2,700 seamless 2,540 groundbreaking 2,440 empower 2,390 scalable 2,170 one of a kind 2,160 proactive 1,810 best in class 1,650 return on investment 1,570 market leading 1,560 turnkey 1,450 mission critical 1,370 strategic partnership 1,360 ground breaking 1,320 dashboard 1,310 iconic 1,220 industry standard 1,190 never before 1,150 re-purpose 1,050 ecosytem 1,020 win-win 963 best of breed 941 enterprise class 926 empowerment 909 magical 853 synergy 838 out of the box 790 feature-rich 757 stack 673 cross-platform 524 value proposition 519 well positioned 489 disruptive 470 hit the ground running 451 disruption 417 mindshare 415 space-age 386 bleeding edge 373 exit strategy 373 customer-centric 369 sea change 331 sticky 326 silo 272 synergistic 246 client-centric 244 outside the box 226 paradigm shift 206 peak performance 205 perfect storm 162 organic growth 155 top-down 155 next-gen 121 never been done 110 bottom-up 108 solution-driven 102 secret sauce 91 low hanging fruit 69
Gosh, I guess it is only the classical music world that likes…acclaimed…or highly acclaimed..or better yet…internationally acclaimed. Good work. I think we should all work on using “best of breed.”
I prefer ‘sea change,’ and am now trying to figure out how I could use that in a press release for The Blues Foundation.
I’d like to try and figure out how write press releases that are as sweet as the secret sauce only found inside the low hanging fruit.
Is anyone else tired of “the most acclaimed [fill in the blank] of his/her generation”? or is that just another way to placate the historicists (“He/she is good, but not as good as [name of dead guy]”)?