..from a good colleague, Marc van Bree:
We all know that Nashville got hit with a terrible flood a few months ago. This terrible flood didn’t spare the Nashville Symphony Orchestra (NSO). The orchestra’s damages were approximately $42 million and after insurance and support from FEMA, the remaining financial gap could be as much as $10 million.
Let’s all contribute our own little bit as a classical music community online. Here’s my idea: leverage this online network with #floodofsupport
You can read about the specifics I posted today on my blog at http://mcmvanbree.com/dutchperspective/floodofsupport
But that’s not all. I would love your help. Perhaps a small donation, but as importantly, I would love your help in spreading the message. On Twitter, on your blogs, on Facebook and in whatever online crevasses you might find yourself.
A couple of things:
* #floodofsupport runs until August 1, 2010
* The goal is a modest $1,000 (that’s $1 for each of my Twitter followers on average)
* You can set up your own mini-matching grant (I set one up on my blog)
* I have no connection to the Nashville Symphony. I just felt like doing something
* Please remember to use the (hash)tag #floodofsupport on your blog and Twitter posts
* http://mcmvanbree.com/dutchperspective/floodofsupport (you’ll also find some pre-made graphic banners to use)
Awesomeness! Thanks Amanda! Hope we’ll see a nice reaction…