A friend across the pond sent this over this weekend, from the Gap in Knightsbridge:
“The WILD Game of Defending the Ridiculous.” I actually can’t think of a more apt description of what I do for a living.
My summer intern Emily and I have spent the last 30 minutes brainstorming what a classical music PR Life’s a Pitch game would actually look like. What we have so far is a combination of Trivial Pursuit, Dungeons & Dragons, and Oregon Trail. She’s asked me, “Is this a game of skill or chance?” and “Is the goal of the game to get more famous clients or to make your clients more famous?”
So, basically The Two Questions in the PR biz. Great Teaching Moments in Summer Internships Via Fake Board Games.
Watch this space, we’re really going to make this thing.
How about Classical music PR as Snakes and Ladders and Jenga? They can be combined in a 3D manner with a Jenga at either end of a snake or ladder (like the Connect4 Advanced which may also be pertinent)! By the way, I found UK PR firms very eager to ask astronomical amounts for very little in return. In fact, I’ve come across only one serious Classical PR company, but they haven’t quoted me so I can’t say if they ascribe to the impossibly high fees. But I certainly got feedback that £2,000 per month is really bottom line… And this includes online listings of concerts which are very simple to do, albeit time-consuming (what I perceive may be used as their proof that the money wasn’t waisted when everything else hasn’t materialized). Or perhaps paying whatever is asked for is important, regardless of artistic success/merit.