I’ve been getting a lot of SPAM on this blawg recently, and what really
entertains me is how these spammers stroke your ego. Here’s an example:
In general I dont make comments… but..I wanted to say
that this post really forced me to do so because I agree with it so
strongly. Thank you.
I’ll be on the 1 train or wherever reading my comments, and will
think Yes. I Spurred Someone to Action today! Classical Music Publicity Matters. And then it’s all, “Buy GPS Cell Phones Nowz.”
So anyway, thank you, spammers, for making me feel good for ~30 seconds every day. Every little bit helps.
That’s so annoying. All week I’ve been getting spam comments that start out all “thank you for this interesting post” and then they’re all “you need to buy a better stereo”.
It’s particulary strange as my website is the BEST 0NLINE PH4RMACY ON THE W3Bz!!!!