This comes via fellow publicist Christina Jensen’s Twitter feed, via the website it’s a sickness, and is…the best thing:
From the website:
obsession is everything at itsasickness. it’s what makes you interesting. every box you see is someone’s sickness. what’s YOUR sickness?
I’d never thought about “interesting” that way, that it’s a person’s obsessions that make them interesting, but I suppose there’s some validity to it. Of course that means that your (super)interests are what make you yourself interesting, which creates a kind of ((boom)) ((head)) situation.
So, question: If my obsession is Arrested Development, one of Jason Bateman’s jobs, and his obsession is classical music, my job, then does that make us…best friends? I’m fairly certain that’s what it makes us.
And if they want classical soloists for the (um…”upcoming”?) Arrested Development movie that we’ve all been waiting not so patiently for, I’m at amanda at firstchairpromo dot com and will help in exchange for a hand chair.