We have this thing “Site Meter“–which is exactly what it sounds like–set up for our ArtsJournal blogs, so we can see how many people are reading us, from where, at what time, so on, so forth.
One of the intriguing aspects of Site Meter is that I can see what people have Googled to get to me. “Amanda Ameer” Google Image searches crop up every once and a while and totally creep me out, but most Google searches that get you to home sweet Life’s a Pitch are “how to find a publicist,” “classical music publicity,” etc.. This one, in addition to the recent Yankees’ lead on the TV, really made my night, though:
That’s right folks: according to Lord Google, this right here is is the second stop for the Best Publicity in the World. You should all feel quite pleased with yourselves for reading. Clients who are reading: consider this your notice that I’m raising my rates.
You’re using SiteMeter? that is a pretty low-end analytics program. You might consider switching to Google Analytics.
High ranking blogs, websites, Tweets & Fan Pages are characterized by their CONTENT! Do not be concerned with technical tricks, keep concentrating on content and whit!
There is anecdotal evidence that including Google Analytics causes better search engine rankings – at least on Google, but I have not seen any credible evidence.
The nice thing about Google Analytics is that you get Geographical Information about where your visitors are coming from – which is a nice piece of information to share with your advertisers.
After reading this, I ran a google image search for “Amanda Ameer.” Just to see what came up.