I’m working on the US press for the new Cecilia Bartoli album, Sacrificium, which not unlike Michael Jackson’s new album, came out this week. Buy it here to support this blog. Just kidding: album sales have nothing to do with this blog, but it’s a good album so buy it anyway.
Somewhere along the line we came up with the idea for a “virtual archeological dig,” and today the thing actually happened.
SO, La Cieca over at parterre.com kicks things off. Follow the clues to 8 other sites and answer questions to reveal puzzle pieces here. Last clue is at The Iron Tongue of Midnight.
I tried it earlier this evening, but when I got to Opera News there was no clue posted there. Apparently that’s fixed now, but I’m not going to try again. Sorry, fail.
It’s been up since noon, but I’m sorry you couldn’t find it! -AA
Lame, Saint Russell! I love this and wasted about two hours figuring it out today. It’s nice to see the Decca label not taking themselves too seriously.
Cool. You should blog more about the stuff you actually do for your clients, like this. You’re very creative and it’s neat to see the ideas put into practice.