In case we need further proof that we are a video-obsessed culture, we now have live television embedded in the mirrors of THE BATHROOMS at the Time Warner Center.
Maybe it will encourage more people to wash their hands?
I tell you what, though: the day I’m made to pitch Public Restroom Exclusive Content, I’m switching jobs.
What you’ve already hinted at is indeed reality.
They’ve been using the the same technology for many years in the bathrooms (THE BATHROOMS) at the Charles Hotel in Boston. So you can relax on the crapper and simultaneously stare at yourself in the mirror while watching CNN.
I read an article online (too lazy to google it) and IIRC the project was funded by some rich sheik who loved the Charles hotel chain, loved hanging out in the bathroom, and loved himself some television. How generous.
That would be an AMAZING place for some video art. You know, the video could be, like, just a loop of a pair of life-sized, disembodied eyes slowly opening and then closing.