I was very pleased to see that Hilary’s Bach Concertos disc was part of Delta’s in-flight entertainment offerings on my plane ride to San Francisco today. It was the second to last option, grumble grumble, but it was an option. I listened to it for the whole flight even though it’s on my iPod in hopes that she’d get lots of hits and/or that the guy sitting next to me would notice and perhaps tune in himself. He only noticed when I started taking pictures. I did not feel the need to explain the blog to him.
Andrew says
Curiously, how does one go about getting themselves onto the in-flight entertainment systems? Is it something the label does (I’m noticing a lot of DG…) or is it a per-artist basis?
No idea, but I will find out. If I was driving that bus, it would have been the Schoenberg disc up there! -AA
Amy says
Usually these programs are put together by music services such as DMX and Channel M. Both are based in LA.